Chat with a medical provider without leaving your home. Manage thyroid conditions and medications for only $49 for your first month.

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Thyroid condition management made easy—all from your phone

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Tell us about yourself

Our smarter, faster, virtual intake process gets your doctors the info they need to care for the whole you.

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Get care on your schedule

Text us when you’re free—we make ourselves available day and night. For virtual check-ins, refills, and more.

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Manage your health with ease

We’ll help you stick to your plan for managing a chronic disease*, changing a habit, and living healthier—by phone.

*Available for adults 18+ in all 48 continental US states. Not available in Alaska or Hawaii.

K Health memberships are not insurance and exclude ancillary services (e.g., labs, equipment, cost of medication, etc). Medical care is provided by K Health’s affiliated professional corporations. See Terms of Service.

The advantages of Primary Care with K Health

See a provider without seeing a provider

Make a flexible appointment with a medical provider right from the app, as often as you want.

Feel good about feeling good

Manage chronic conditions, mental health, your weight, and more. Plus, generic meds come at a low price.

Get 24/7 Urgent Care, too

A K Health membership also includes unlimited virtual visits for medical issues that pop up suddenly.

Pay just $49 for your first month

After the first month, membership fees are billed in advance 3 months at a time, and you can cancel anytime until 1 day before your renewal date.



Synthroid (Levothyroxine) Online FAQs

Man holding up a bottle of medication and smiling

What is Synthroid (Levothyroxine)?

Levothyroxine is a type of hormone replacement medication for thyroxine (T4). The thyroid makes thyroxine, but sometimes it cannot make enough to keep levels adequate. Levothyroxine treatment helps regulate energy and metabolism functions in the body in those who do not make enough of it on their own.

Levothyroxine is available as a generic or under the brand name Synthroid. It comes in capsules in a wide range of doses. Healthcare professionals use lab testing to check on thyroid function and determine the correct treatment and medication dose. Common blood tests used to check on thyroid function and monitor response to treatment include TSH and T4 levels. In some cases, more specialized labs are needed. 

For thyroid hormone replacement to work, it must be taken consistently every day as directed. Levothyroxine needs to be taken on an empty stomach. Many healthcare providers suggest taking it first thing in the morning, although evidence shows that it can be just as effective when taken on an empty stomach right before bed.

How does Synthroid (Levothyroxine) work?

Levothyroxine is a synthetic version of a hormone the body naturally makes called thyroxine (T4). Thyroid hormone regulation is a complicated process relying on different parts of the brain and endocrine (hormone) system. When the body can’t make enough T4 on its own (which can happen for many reasons), taking levothyroxine can have the same effect within the cells to increase metabolism and support normal energy production.

Can I get Synthroid (Levothyroxine) online?

Generic levothyroxine and Synthroid are not available over the counter. Both require a doctor’s prescription. With that, you can get levothyroxine from most pharmacies, including online pharmacies. 

How much does Synthroid (Levothyroxine) cost?

Pricing of Synthroid (Levothyroxine) varies depending on your insurance, dosage, the specific pharmacy, and if you take the generic or name brand medication.

Without insurance, Synthroid can average about $65 per month. Generic levothyroxine is less expensive, costing around $16 per month. 

Insurance coverage varies, and copays may range from a few dollars to the full price.

For patients who qualify, some manufacturers offer assistance programs. Anyone can also use prescription savings programs online or at pharmacies to reduce costs.

What does Synthroid (Levothyroxine) treat?

Levothyroxine is used to treat thyroid-related hormone problems, including:

  • Hypothyroidism
  • Pituitary gland disorders that affect TSH (secondary hypothyroidism)
  • Goiters (enlargement of the thyroid gland)

Levothyroxine may also be used in some patients who have specific types of thyroid cancer and require surgery or radioiodine therapy.

Is Synthroid (Levothyroxine) available over the counter?

No, Synthroid (Levothyroxine) is only available with a prescription from a medical provider.

What are the side effects?

Levothyroxine may cause some common side effects. In most cases, these will resolve once your body adjusts to the medicine. However, sometimes side effects occur because the dosage needs to be adjusted. So if you experience side effects from levothyroxine, talk to your healthcare provider.

Common side effects include:

  • Shakiness
  • Fast heart beat
  • Hair loss
  • Sweating
  • Weight loss
  • Insomnia or problems sleeping
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle weakness
  • Anxiety

Precautions and risks of Synthroid (Levothyroxine)

Levothyroxine is not indicated for everyone. You should not take it if you are allergic to any of the ingredients. Also tell your healthcare provider and pharmacist if any of the following is true for you:

  • Pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Kidney disease
  • Liver disease
  • Heart disease
  • Blood vessel disease
  • Anemia (low iron)
  • Blood clotting disorders
  • Diabetes
  • Osteoporosis
  • Adrenal gland disorders
  • Pituitary gland problems
  • Recent radiation iodine treatment

Tell your medical provider and pharmacist about all medications, over-the-counter drugs, and herbal or dietary supplements that you take. Many of them can interact with levothyroxine.

Do not consume grapefruit juice or grapefruit while taking levothyroxine.

In rare cases, levothyroxine may cause serious problems, including angina (chest pain), heart rhythm problems, and low bone density.

While levothyroxine may lead to weight loss in people who have an underactive thyroid, it is not a weight-loss drug and should not be taken for this purpose.

Do not suddenly stop taking levothyroxine. If appropriate, your doctor will help you slowly wean you off of the medication.

Keep all medical appointments and follow through with lab testing that your medical provider orders. Blood tests are necessary to understand whether your thyroid hormone levels are well managed.

Your K Health unlimited membership includes:

  • 24/7 text-based Urgent Care

  • Flexible appointments for ongoing care

  • Low-cost generic meds delivered to your door


Avoid the stressful search for care

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Frequently asked questions

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What is K Health Primary Care?

K Health Primary Care is a virtual healthcare program focused on your whole health, without the hassle and price of seeing a medical provider in person.

Primary Care is part of the K Health membership, which costs just $49 for the first month, and is then billed in advance 3 months at a time. It includes chronic condition management and prevention, 24/7 text-based Urgent Care*, flexible appointments, treatment for anxiety and depression, and more—all from your phone.

A medical team of board-certified doctors and licensed nurse practitioners creates personalized care plans to make it easier for you to manage chronic conditions, change a habit, or just live healthier. Your medical team can remotely prescribe medication, order lab tests, and more.

*24/7 Urgent Care is available in all 48 continental U.S. states. Not available in Alaska or Hawaii.

K Health memberships are not insurance and exclude ancillary services (e.g., referrals. labs, equipment, cost of medication, etc). Medical care is provided by K Health’s affiliated professional corporations. See Terms of Service.

Learn more about what we can and cannot treat

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What’s included in the K Health membership?

Our K Health membership includes nearly everything K Health offers:

  • Unlimited text-based visits with licensed medical providers
  • 24/7 Urgent Care without an appointment
  • Flexible appointments for chronic condition management
  • Easy prescription management and renewals
  • Treatment for anxiety and depression, including medication shipped to your door (medication cost not included)
  • As always, no insurance needed, all on your own schedule

*24/7 Urgent Care is available in 48 states of the US. Not available in Alaska or Hawaii.

K Health memberships are not insurance and do not include any ancillary services, (e.g.) laboratory tests, durable medical equipment, appointments with other providers or specialists that we may refer you to, emergency or in-person urgent care facility visits; cost of medication and other referrals. Medical care is provided by K Health’s affiliated professional corporations. See Terms of Service.

Learn more about what we can and cannot treat

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How much does Primary Care cost?

Primary Care is included as part of your K Health membership, which costs $49 for the first month, and is then billed in advance 3 months at a time. You can cancel your membership anytime until 1 day before your renewal date, at which point you’ll be place on a quarterly membership and your subscription will be automatically renewed. The cancelation will go into effect at the end of the billing cycle.

A membership includes chronic condition management and prevention, 24/7 text-based Urgent Care*, flexible appointments, treatment for anxiety and depression, and more. Medication and lab test costs are not included.

*24/7 Urgent Care is available in all 48 continental US states. Not available in Alaska or Hawaii. K Health memberships are not insurance and exclude ancillary services (e.g., referrals, labs, equipment, cost of medication, etc). Medical care is provided by K Health’s affiliated professional corporations. See Terms of Service.

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Do you need insurance to use K Health?


We’ve created efficient ways to bring the cost of healthcare way down and make quality care accessible to everyone, without needing to use health insurance.

You can sign up for our K Health membership which includes access to our Primary Care program, 24/7 Urgent Care visits, treatment for anxiety and depression, and more,* or you can pay for a one-time virtual visit. Plus, our Symptom Checker is always free to use.

Learn more about our approach to pricing

*24/7 Urgent Care is available in 48 states of the US. Not available in Alaska or Hawaii.

K Health memberships are not insurance and do not include any ancillary services, (e.g.) laboratory tests, durable medical equipment, appointments with other providers or specialists that we may refer you to, emergency or in-person urgent care facility visits; cost of medication and other referrals. Medical care is provided by K Health’s affiliated professional corporations. 

See Terms of Service.

Learn more about what we can and cannot treat

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Can I use my insurance to pay for K Health?

With the exception of certain Surest and Elevance Health plans, we don’t accept insurance to pay for K Health memberships, one-time Urgent Care virtual visits, or mail-order medication, but we keep our prices low to keep medical care accessible to everyone. In many cases, our prices are lower than your insurance copay would have been!

If your medical provider prescribes you medication to pick up at your local pharmacy or orders bloodwork to a lab of your choice, you can use your insurance at those locations.

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What does Primary Care treat?

The K Health Primary Care program is part of the K Health membership, which offers chronic condition management and prevention, 24/7 Urgent Care*, prescription renewals, treatment for anxiety and depression, and more.

Medical providers practicing on the K Health platform help you manage and treat common chronic conditions like high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes, and also create personalized care plans to help prevent future conditions, like heart attack and stroke. Your medical team can remotely prescribe medication, order lab tests and health screenings, and more.

*24/7 Urgent Care is available in all 48 continental US states. Not available in Alaska or Hawaii. K Health memberships are not insurance and exclude ancillary services (e.g., referrals, labs, equipment, cost of medication, etc). Medical care is provided by K Health’s affiliated professional corporations. See Terms of Service.

Learn more about what we can and cannot treat

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