Madeline Brown, MD

Madeline Brown, MD

Pennsylvania, USA

I joined K Health to help patients from all walks of life across our country, using the exciting technology that makes wide-reaching care possible.


Dr. Madeline Brown is a board certified internal medicine physician with over 15 years experience caring for patients in a variety of settings including primary care practices, hospitals, outpatient clinics for Veterans Affairs, and telemedicine. Dr. Brown received her bachelor’s degree from Rosemont College in Pennsylvania, and her medical degree from Drexel University MCP Hahnemann College of Medicine in Philadelphia. After 2 years of internal medicine residency at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, Dr. Brown moved back to Philadelphia to get married and complete her residency training at Temple University Hospital.

Education + Awards

Board Certifications

Internal Medicine

Undergraduate Degree

B.A. Molecular Biology

Undergraduate School

Rosemont College

Medical Degree


Medical School

Drexel University (MCP Hahnemann) College of Medicine


Temple University Hospital

Frequently asked questions

Does Madeline Brown, M.D. offer telehealth services?

Yes! You can start a chat with a licensed clinician 24/7.

What are Madeline Brown, M.D.’s areas of care?

Clinicians are licensed in family medicine, emergency medicine, pediatric care, and more. Get to know your world-class medical team here.

Does Madeline Brown, M.D. accept insurance?

Insurance is not required for any K Health visits. All appointments are $73 flat, or $49/month for an unlimited membership. Get started.