My name is Ruslan and I’m a Salesforce Technical Architect in K Health’s Kyiv office. These are my thoughts about my country being at war.
First of all, I want to say “THANK YOU, WORLD!” for the massive support that Ukraine is receiving.
A few months ago I came to New York with my wife for what I thought would be a six-week business trip. She is pregnant and I wanted to take her with me to see the city and spend some time out of the home.
I didn’t think that this trip would end up with the situation that I couldn’t return to my lovely home, or my dog, who is staying with family in the countryside outside of Kyiv.
I hope every person understands we are fighting not only for Ukraine. We are fighting for the whole world’s freedom and democracy.
If Ukraine, a country with 45 million people, won’t stand, how would Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, or other much smaller countries stand? We are the shield for Europe.
Every morning when I get up, I send multiple messages to all my close people and ask them if they are alive. I do not ask, “How are you?”, instead I ask, “Where are you? Are you alive?”
Can you imagine how people must feel when multiple rockets bombard cities for a whole day? What women must feel when they have to deliver a baby in an underground shelter?
I have been going to protests often in New York. Protests deliver a message to people in Ukraine that they are not alone—people all over the whole world are with them.
It’s hard to explain how proud I am of all the people of Ukraine. I am thankful to everyone who is involved—you are my heroes.
You are heroes for the whole world.
If you’re interested in ways to support Ukraine, K Health put together a list of resources and organizations here.