Free, virtual visits for Baltimore City Schools

  • Text with a medical provider for free anytime, anywhere
  • Private and secure care
  • No credit card or insurance needed
  • Free access through June 16, 2021

Fast and easy “doctor in your pocket”

The number 1 in a yellow circle

Download the free app for iOS or Android

The number 2 in a pink circle

Enter your symptoms

The number 3 in a purple circle

Chat with a provider for FREE using code CITYSCHOOLS

A free addition to your current coverage to help you stay healthy

No credit card or insurance required

Get connected to a doctor or nurse practitioner in minutes

Check your symptoms anytime, anywhere

No strings attached—a special partnership with City Schools.

Get a free clinician in your pocket—for the whole family

How K Health can help

  • COVID-19 guidance and questions
  • Urgent and after hours care
  • Free AI symptom checker
  • Prescriptions and refills
  • Anxiety and depression

Get free virtual doctor visits


Does K Health take insurance?

With the exception of certain Surest and Elevance Health plans, we don’t accept insurance to pay for K Health memberships, one-time Urgent Care virtual visits, or mail-order medication, but we keep our prices low to keep medical care accessible to everyone. In many cases, our prices are lower than your insurance copay would have been!

After our free partnership with Baltimore City Schools ends, you can continue connecting with medical providers through K Health through our unlimited membership or by paying for a one-time visit.

Can I get a doctor’s note?

During a visit, K Health-affiliated medical providers can only provide a note stating the date when they saw you and that care was provided.

Can I get prescription medication through K Health?

Yes! If one of our K Health-affiliated clinicians believes it’s medically appropriate, they’ll write a prescription and send it to a local pharmacy of your choice.

After the free period ends, will I be charged?

Nope! The K Health app is free for everyone to have. Normally, a virtual visit with a licensed clinician costs $73, but it’s free for Baltimore City Schools students, families, and staff through June 16 with the code CITYSCHOOLS.

After June 16, you can continue using the app for free, and only if you choose to do another virtual visit will you be asked to pay the $73 fee.

Is the K Health app available in Spanish?

Yes, the app is available in both English and Spanish.

However, we can’t guarantee that Spanish app users will be matched with a Spanish-speaking clinician. Because our doctor chats are text-based, we recommend having someone who speaks English with you during your visit to help translate.

Do I have to do a video visit?

Our virtual medical visits are primarily text-based, but your clinician may ask you for photos or to do a very quick video chat to get the information they need.

Do I need to enter my credit card information? 

Nope! With the code CITYSCHOOLS, you’ll skip the payment step of checkout entirely.

How do I redeem my free medical visit?

After downloading the app and answering questions about your symptoms, you’ll be prompted to pick a payment option. Select “One-time visit” and enter the promo code CITYSCHOOLS to waive the entire cost with no credit card information required.

I’m not sick. Should I download the app?

Yes! When you’re feeling sick, you want to talk to a doctor ASAP. Getting the app set up on your phone in advance will help you be ready to connect with a medical provider in minutes, when you need it most.

What do I need to access K Health?

You’ll need just a few things:

  1. An iOS or Android smartphone
  2. To enter your email, birthday, phone number, and gender (all info is private)
  3. A government-issued ID (city or state, up to 5 years expired is ok)
  4. The code CITYSCHOOLS to waive the medical visit fee

Download the K Health app for free access