Katie Wavering, NP

Katie Wavering, NP

Texas, USA

I joined K Health because I have a passion for providing quality health care to all patients.


Katie Wavering FNP-BC is a board-certified family nurse practitioner with over 14 years experience in nursing. Nurse practitioner wavering received a bachelor’s degree from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in chemistry and went on to study at Purdue University Global where she completed her post-master’s certificate in family practice. She loves spending time with her family and her four miniature dachshunds.

Education + Awards

Board Certifications

ANCC Family Nurse Practitioner

Undergraduate Degree


Undergraduate School

University of Illinois

Medical Degree


Medical School

Purdue University Global

Other Degrees / Training

BS in Chemistry

Frequently asked questions

Does Katie Wavering, BSM offer telehealth services?

Yes! You can start a chat with a licensed clinician 24/7.

What are Katie Wavering, BSM’s areas of care?

Clinicians are licensed in family medicine, emergency medicine, pediatric care, and more. Get to know your world-class medical team here.

Does Katie Wavering, BSM accept insurance?

Insurance is not required for any K Health visits. All appointments are $73 flat, or $49/month for an unlimited membership. Get started.